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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of people with experience in corporate and local business, the disability sector, as well as AIM staff and family members of participants.


All committee members serve voluntarily. We are very grateful to Chairperson,

Natalie O'Flaherty, Treasurer Jane Blackbourn, Secretary Evelyn Gauntlett,  Committee Member Jenny Trotter, and Programme Manager, Vasti Kitshoff.



There are currently eight staff members, AIM's Programme Manager, together with assistants Sonia Burch, Jennie Rountree, Fiona Bosworth, Shannon Repia, Ruth Chitty and Mauea Wilson who run the day-to-day activities in the programme. We are also fortunate to have staff relievers who assist and support as needed. Our accountant, Fiona Mclean, keeps track of all our finances to meet accounting standards. 


The Programme Manager is tasked with preparing, planning and organizing activities for participants, to enable them to achieve their personal goals and skill levels. Each participant's individual programme is designed in accordance with their personal goals. 

AIM makes every effort to ensure that committee members and staff undergo ongoing professional development and training. Some of the professional development initiatives include Careerforce training modules, Open Polytechnic certifications, and the attendance of workshops in both the community and disability sector.


The activity options that AIM offers, is enhanced by the generosity of several local volunteers who regularly give of their time and expertise, bringing their respective talents to enrich the learning experience of AIM participants. 

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New update coming soon

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