From July 2020, participants and staff joined
the global Plastic Free July initiative.
In a concerted effort to be 'part of the solution to plastic pollution', we have been collecting bread tags, soft plastics, empty coke/sprite bottles, milk bottle lids, rubber bands and empty jam jars (to make keep-cups). There have been competitions and prizes for those who collected the most.
Related activities for Plastic Free July, include: quizzes, beach clean-up, making bees wax wraps, making preserves, collecting soft plastics and taking it to collection spots to be recycled, crafts using plastic bottles and lids, activity sheets and bingo.
A very big Thank You to staff member Jennie, for her input into this great initiative. Jennie says:
"I started my own personal journey into the plastic free world 4 years ago and I'm still learning. The options for plastic free alternatives are increasing, the prices have fallen from when I started out, and the quality has improved. My theory is that every small change someone makes is a triumph - and for those who don't make any changes at all, at least they have learnt something and are more conscious about their plastic usage. Awareness is key. "

Recycling boxes complete and ready for collection.

Plastic free July prizes up for grabs in the exciting challenges.